Sunday, February 25, 2018

Heart AND Home

Heart AND Home

You are going to see many versions of these cute little clay houses. 
Heart AND Home...let's talk about it.

I celebrate a 40th wedding anniversary this year with the man that God chose for me. We have been blessed with 2 children , a son and daughter and a grand daughter. We have owned two homes over the years and if those walls could talk...oh my! 

My husband is a thirty year veteran, retired public school educator . I have worked in the field of Early Childhood for 20 years and currently serve as a Children's Minister. Between the two of us we have seen our share of family feuds, family disfunction, divorce, custody battles, drug abuse, child abuse, physical abuse, suicide, murder, run aways..and the list could go on and on.
I am troubled and deeply concerned about the health of the family unit. 
Why do we accept ways that we know are not pleasing to God? 

I am convinced that Heart AND Home is where change can happen for families, our schools, our communities and the world. It is time to put on our armor and fight the good fight to protect our children and our families.

When the love of Jesus is part of the Heart, acceptance, forgiveness and respect becomes a way of the Home. It is how we treat one another, our neighbors and co workers.

Interesting quotes from interesting people:

"The child is largely what the home has made him." Billy Graham

"What can you do to promote world peace?" "Go home and love your family." Mother Teresa

"Make sure you are doing what God wants you to do , 
then do it with all your strength." George Washington

"It's easy to say, " It's not my child, not my community, not my world and not my problem." "Then there are are those who see the need and respond." "I consider those people my heros." Fred Rogers

"God does not need good works, but your neighbor does." Martin Luther

We have to preach, teach and model unconditional love. It must begin at home. If our children are not taught, how will they learn? Do we allow Social Media to be the influence of our G rated kids in an R-rated world.
As professional church worker I know how important Family, Youth and Children's Ministry is to families. These ministries give the church opportunity to partner with parents, grand parents and guardians, helping to nurture the faith walk of their children. We can be a presence of support and encouragement. We can walk with them in the happy times and the not so happy times. We can love and accept them just the way they are!

The church more than ever, is called to equip families to become havens where Christ's love shines.  To hear the good news that they are not alone in this fight against sin and the dark side of the world. We can seek God and find Him in what sometimes seems to be an un Godly world. 
We can help families reclaim mealtime.
Help parents to be alert to teachable moments.
Help parents just "be" with their kids. To "be"the parent, not the have lots of friends.
Help parents realize that families don't have to be perfect.
Provide training and resources.
That parents indeed are God's design for passing along the faith for generations to come.

  All this Heart and Home thinking has inspired me to plan a few Heart and Home projects. Future Family Ministry gatherings will include making a clay house candle holder. The light can shine as a visual reminder that Jesus is the light of the world. His light will shine and direct our paths.

 Perhaps each family member paints a section of the house to look like a stain glass window, writing their name in the section they color, then displaying all of the houses as one piece of art as a reminder that we are all unique and different and that God planned it that way. Perhaps conversation could take place with family members giving thanks for one another , praying for one another.

These small wooden wooden house ornaments could become a special key chain for a new neighbor. Do we know our neighbors?

Maybe a Home and Heart symbol for each member of the family. Perhaps the wooden house could be a place where affirmations could be placed each day. Family members will paint each block a color of their choice and mark it with their name. A simple clip can be glued to to the house where daily words of encouragement or short messages can be left.

Join me and invest in our families.
Let us all put on the armor of God and fight together for our children and their future.
Pray for Family, Youth and Children's Ministries. 
Be the help. Be the change.

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